Lumber Liquidators St James Laminate flooring

St. James, Bad machining at joint

St. James, Bad machining at joint

I went to Lumber Liquidators and bought their St James brand, but after many, many tries covering the same space over and over again, I found that the slats would NOT lock together. There is a long tongue on one side which did lock with the next slat, but there was only about 1/16th inch overlap on the other side. Needless to say, this side did not lock and kept popping up even after the next row was placed. This was extremely frustrating, redoing the same area, again and again, trying to beat these slats together and make them stick. Please, for God's sake, do not purchase this poorly engineered crap.

Hi Anonymous reader, Anthony here.
I feel your frustration , I had a heck of a time installing Dream Home St. James laminate from Lumber Liquidators. The actual machining of the locking system was totally off. Having to keep changing some boards three or four times. It took at least twice the time to install this laminate.
I Have installed St.James more than once and didn't always have a problem. But you never know if it was going to be good or bad.
I installed their Kensington Manor and Nirvana PLUS from Lumber Liqudators, and liked the way these installed.

This photo shows just how bad the quality control was when they made this batch.

Anthony Garrison.

Comments for Lumber Liquidators St James Laminate flooring

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Jun 07, 2024
Dunes Bay Driftwood NEW
by: Anonymous

I am actually looking to see if anybody has any of this flooring availables. I need some badly. If anybody has any and sees this message could you please email me at
Thank you

Jun 23, 2016
St James laminate flooring from Lumber Liquidators
by: Averil

Do your homework and DO NOT purchase this garbage. Not only was it chock full of formaldehyde, made me and my pets ill (killing my house rabbit that had been healthy for years) but the particle wood between the boards swells with the least bit of moisture and warps like crazy! An ice cube or pet throwing up that isn't cleaned up instantly causes unsightly bubbles. It also chips ridiculously easily. I dropped a plastic hairbrush on it and the surface chipped. The company does not respond to issues and neither does Lumber Liquidators. I put in 2500 square feet of this garbage and it will have to be replaced when I can save enough money to do so. Buyer beware!

Jun 19, 2016
Questions for other users
by: Anonymous

I have had the upstairs installed for less than 2 months. Has anyone had any issues with scratches? I love the flooring but it has a lot of scratches that can be seen. Since we have only had it a couple weeks and have not even installed the downstairs I am VERY concerned. It's not deep scratches but I was under the impression nothing could scratch it not even a key. This might be from sliding a box. That should not scratch the floor.

Thanks for any other comments.

Apr 26, 2016
St james
by: Anonymous

I had st James installed and love it. It is a 12 mm and has a built in foam for sound and comfort. I have had nothing but oohs and ahhhs with the look of . I love it

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