Quick Step Country Review

This Quick Step Country review is based on me installing about 650 square feet in my clients home in August of 2012.

I always love installing Quick Step laminate flooring, mainly because it is trouble free.

Quick Step Country is normally 9.5 mm thick. This one I installed was 8mm thick. Everything about this laminate was the same, except the thickness and the price. I never heard of it before, but this was called a mill trial. From what I understand the mills will experiment from time to time to see if they have more success with new products.

The quality was excellent as always. It has a hand scraped texture that duplicates a real hardwood floor. All four edges have a sculpted beveled edge.

The AC 3 rating makes it a very durable laminate. It has a residential limited lifetime warranty and a 5 year commercial warranty.

The Country collection comes in 10 colors from a dark Coffee Bean to light Hickory, and even has a Grayish brown like an old faded barn.

As of the day I installed it, I see the price of the 9.5 Quick Step Country is around 2.99 a square foot on line. It will likely cost more at your local flooring retailer. But paying a little more up front for this brand name laminate flooring will be worth it in the long run.

Quick Step, Country laminate flooring Shows texture

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The texture on the Quick Step Country looks like a real hardwood flooring. Its not as wavy as some of the hand hawn look laminates I've installed.

Installing Quick Step Country in hallway

This is the beginning for the hallway. There is a lot of work to do here before I can install any laminate, such as removing the carpet, padding, tackstrip and cutting door jambs.

After photo, installed Quick Step Country in hallway

This really brightens up this hallway, and forget about traffic patterns.

I installed new quarter round also and the carpet had to be re installed at the doorway.

Before Photo, installing Quick Step, Country up to ceramic tile entry

This is the entryway that has an odd shape. Taking up the carpet here was a little tricky. The tile wasn't installed very good, they all had a hallow sound when I knocked on them. The carpet installers glued the carpet at the edge of the tiles, which means they can come loose when pulling up the carpet. The two on the far left actually did come loose and I glued them back down.

After photo, Installed Quick Step laminate flooring up to ceramic entry

The finished product, laminate installed up to the tile and transitions installed. So much better looking than the old carpeting.

Installing the transitions can take some time. The object is to get the angle joints just right. What looks like a 45 degree corner can be 48 degrees. The joints need to be cut according to the actual angle. Otherwise you will end up with joints that are not tight together.

I use small pieces of transitions to practice with so when I cut the transition I know it will fit together right.

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